Susan Erskine-Jones - 2022

Susan is inspired by her immediate environment, the everyday and incidental, the beauty in what we often take for granted or overlook. The way that colours fall and change according to the everchanging light. Her interest is in exploring the delicacy, the chance and the strength in the world around her.

Most of her paintings come together over months as she digs deeper following the thread of her subject. Her works are like planted seeds that need time to germinate.

The finished piece evolves through a process of building up and stripping down shapes working with their relationships to one another. It is not enough to just describe the forms that have sparked associations but she wants to use the quality of her marks and her choices of colour to open out the visual poetry of the subject. She uses the paint like adjectives to describe her response to it.

Susan’s work to engages the viewer so that they can make their own connections with her artwork. She lifts the curtain on the significance of scenes and objects that are familiar to the viewer.

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