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2024 Artists
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Alderson, Margaret
Arnold, Peter
Ayre, Gill
Baker, Chris
Bardell, Laura
Barry, Jo
Bassett, Sally
Berti, Sandra
Bluemel, Beryl
Bowser, Denise
Button, Sara
Bywater, Judy
Casey, Holly
Chesney, Jo
Cooke, Peter
Cooley, Frances
Crutchley, Margaret
Cull, Michael
Dabson, Lesley
Dare, Rita
Day, Mary Ann
Down, Roz
Fitz, Heather
French, Graham
Frid, Kay
Gao, Yan Yun
Gardner, Tracey
German, Penny
Gidden, Sarah
Gooch, James
Goss, Nicola Heather
Grant, May Fong Cheung
Gray, Susan
Green, Mitzie
Greenwood, Phil
Harvey, Melanie
Hawkins, Komathy
Heath, Susan
Henderson, Jackie
Hignell, Anne
Hill, Stephen
Hillary, Paul
Hogan, Clare
How, Sarah
Humberstone, Stephen
Imber, Audrey
John, Gary
Johnson, Paul
Jones, Rhodri
Keeble, Shirley
Keenleyside, Andrew
Kelly, Elaine
Kennedy, Victoria
King ROI EAGMA , Andrew
Kloss, Jadesola
Laycock , Helen
Le Mare, Pat
Lee, Craig
Limbert, Dawn
Mathie, Morven Green
Matthews, Caroline
McGowan, Ayse
Miller, Heather
Moule, Judith
Mountford, Carol
Mumford, Jill
Munroe-Preston, Mark
Nguyen, Mai
Patterson, Clive
Perlin, Anna
Pettingill, Amy
Pike, Stephen
Popat Kataria, Neeta
Pratt, Elizabeth
Pringle, Claire
Radley, Michael
Ramsay, Julia
Reddy, Sheila
Rhys, Morna
Roberts, Angela
Robinson, Helen
Rogers, Liz
Rowson, Joe
Sheffield, Robert
Sherburne, Allison
Simmons, Nade
Smale, Cathy
Songhurst, Anne
Spencer, Liz
Stone, David
Stratton Tyler, Nicola
Thorpe, Justine Lois
Tompkins, Bridget
Trampenau, Hayley
Tudor, Sarah
Turner, Liz
Turner , Elena
Varone, Jill
Walia, Radhika
Wardley, Kay
Watson, Cherry
Whitehead, Iiris
Willis, James
Wonham, Tilly
Wonham, Nick
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